Contract Contest LEVEL 1 Files
Contract Contest LEVEL 1 Files
The Contract Contest is a year-long competition for Engineering teams, clubs, and individuals that simulates the evolution of an Aerospace company. As an upcoming company, you (and your team) are looking to receive contracts and prove your reliability as a launch company. With each contact you will unlock a set of rewards such as increased funding, new contacts, and access to more parts. Each contract will be structured to aid in the development of an ultimate goal of propulsively landing a model rocket.
As such certain contracts might task you with developing specific parts of the rocket. For example a contract asks for deployable landing gear under a certain weight and capable of supporting some load.
Each contract will also require the objective verification of requirements through tests (static fires, test flights, drop tests, load tests, ect). Your team may work on a maximum of three contracts at any one time, and you can’t progress along the contract tree unless the prior contracts in the branch have been successfully completed. You also may not progress to the next level until the entire prior level has been completed.
Verification of completed contracts is done through video submissions to our email ( Some of these verification videos may be posted to our instagram page and shared around the world!
We're excited to see what you guys can put together!
Once more teams complete the level 1 contracts, we will release the next levels. With purchase you will receive all 7 of the level 1 contracts, the program overview, and guidance of MCHS Aerospace Leadership.